A look at what I see.
Let's be honest ... it's mostly gonna be food.
Follow me. (I'll show you the way)
Grain for days and funky tones make it look like I time traveled to the ‘70s for these shots. More from my roll of expired #fujisuperia200 #film. The old #konika S III I used could become one of my go-tos from here on out. #filmsnotdead #staybrokeshootfilm #expiredfilm #lajolla #ishootfujifilm #fujifilm #35mm
Expired #fujisuperia200 #film makes this warm beachy afternoon look a little more golden, and now I want to shoot it all the time. The roll was easily four or five years old by the time I shot it, and then it sat undeveloped in my camera for another year before i got it back today. And the old #konika S III I shot it on was handed off to me by someone who found it laying around. Happy results from free materials. #filmsnotdead #staybrokeshootfilm #expiredfilm #santamonica #musclebeach #ishootfujifilm #fujifilm #35mm
One of my favorite things about traveling is getting lost. A few years ago, I was driving around #hilo #hawaii , and turned down a tiny backroad. There was no reason to head that way; it led away from where I was try to go, but it did lead to somewhere I’d never seen, and that’s compelling. I emerged from the jungle into a small collection of old houses and art galleries. So deep in the middle of nowhere, I can’t imagine they get many customers. But they offered beauty and charm for the few who approach the unknown and choose to step through, acknowledging that sometimes the door itself is the destination. I can’t find this place on the map, and will likely never see it again, even if I were to retrace my steps; it belongs only to the me of three years ago. #lost
Back to the soft light and slow pace of an evening in #sevilla a few years past. I’ve been traveling a lot for work the last couple months, which has the opposite effect on the soul and body of a trip of leisure. Time to plan my next escape — preferably somewhere with equally good food and drink. #canon5dmarkiii ISO 250, 32mm, f/4.5, 1/250 sec #spain #travel
Few things I’ve seen in my life match the emotional magnitude of the afternoon I spent at La Sagrada Familia in #barcelona a few years back. Light and structure are balanced in the best example of how God built us to be creative beings in his image. #canon5dmarkiii 70mm f/8 1/50sec #spain #lasagradafamilia #architecture
All these chilly nights are making me think back to #Rome in 2016, and the piping hot chestnuts roasting on a little cart, and how they warm your hands and soul. The texture of the fellow serving them made me wonder about his story. Has he been plying this time-honored trade in the same square since his youth? Is he an immigrant with few job prospects? A wealthy industrialist who uses the cart to surreptitiously mingle with commoners? 48mm f/2.8 1/100sec ISO 800 #italy #trevifountain #canon5dmarkiii #blackandwhite
Rise and shine. Pre-dawn colors the #LA coastline in lovely soft #sunrise tones. Long hikes in the dark with threat that I’ll be eaten by a mountain lion work out on the rare days that the atmosphere is just right ... and I don’t end up dying. Though, truth, I did get eaten alive by GIANT mosquitoes, which I didn’t realize were in these hills, and apparently get hungry when they wake up. But the shot was worth it. 400mm ISO 400 f/13 1/5 sec #canon5dmarkiii #santamonica
Good morning, #losangeles. Sometimes photographers get lucky with a great-looking shot, but more often than not, the best images took a lot of planning, experience to know how to shoot it just right, the right equipment, and a lot of patience. I trail run in the Santa Monica Mountains, and have been thinking about this image I could make from this view for years. Since it involved a long pre-dawn hike carrying >20 lbs of gear to the spot, I’ve put it off for a long time. But this weekend, I had rented a 400mm prime lens for another shoot I’d been planning, and the atmospheric conditions were right, so this was the moment to make it happen. ISO 400 400mm f/13 1/5 sec #canon5dmarkiii #sunrise #sunriseoftheday
#Sunrise over #Malibu. Being an early riser earns me so many of these gorgeous moments; I only occasionally have a camera to capture it, and actually, i like it that way. Love the soft tones from @fujifilm_profilm #fuji400h. #ishootfilm #fujifilm #staybrokeshootfilm #mediumformat #120film
The reason #california is called the Golden State.* Another from my #torreypines outing in December. That bridge is gorgeous from all angles. I can’t get enough, San Diego. I’ll never, ever have enough of you.
70mm ISO 320 f8 1/250sec #canon5dmarkiii *Not the reason
#Sunrise over #santamonica, and one of my favorite stretches of coastline in #LA. I love the peace in this image, carried by the soft colors of #fuji400h 120 #mediumformat. Just yards away was a stream of morning commuters inching along the PCH. Find the peace around you in this busy world; I promise it’s there if you take a breath and look. #staybrokeshootfilm #ishootfujifilm #filmphotography @fujifilm_profilm
Dawn patrol. The sun crests the horizon over #losangeles, as a #surfer heads in to what’s assuredly a more boring part of his day. This was the first roll on the #zeiss TLR that exposed all 12 images, though the frames still overlapped on some. I’ll get it figured out eventually. fujifilm_profilm #ishootfujifilm #mediumformat #120film #staybrokeshootfilm #fuji400h
I couldn’t bear to square-crop this sweeping shot of one of the most iconic scenes in my hometown of #sandiego. The last colors of late December daylight hush over #torreypines. I wanted to compress the view of the excellent architecture of the bridge against the cliffs, so I used a 105mm focal length. ISO100 f11 .6sec #canon #canon5dmarkiii #nightphotography #beachlife #purple
2018 was the year I moved back to “serious” photography, requiring a lot more planning and heavy equipment. Forewent the phone in favor of my #canon5dmarkiii, and picked up #filmphotography again for the first time since college. The learning curve on #mediumformat was rough and EXPENSIVE, but a good push on my skills. Here’s to more growth in#2019. #topnine #staybrokeshootfilm
Sweet dreams of angels and blue skies in #pompeii with #vesuvius in the background. An Italy trip from 2016. Canon 5D
Sunrise in #malibu last month when things were simple and whole. Our friends and neighbors affected by the fires need all the support and love we can give; look for ways to serve. #zeiss kodakportra160 #staypoorshootfilm #filmsnotdead #120film #mediumformat #topanga
Cool days in #nyc. Nothing else feels quite like the city, with its unmistakable charms. Remember to look up — that’s where most of it is. #newyork #manhattan #canon
Sunrise at one of my favorite little pieces of history in #la. This abandoned motel on the PCH will probably be replaced with much-needed beachfront housing for underserved rich people someday, but in the meantime, I’ll adore its slow dissolve into the past. #kodakektar100 has some nice dynamic range and grain to do justice to this dusty #malibu treasure.
My third roll of #film on the #zeiss Ikoflex TLR, and I’m finally getting the hang of everything except loading the roll so the first frame doesn’t get wasted (help, Internet!).
#filmisnotdead #ishootfilm #staypoorshootfilm
Memories of a rustic Italian October two years ago. They love #pumpkins as much as I do. #ravello #autumn
I’m finally sorta getting the hang — maybe — of my #zeiss Ikoflex Ic #tlr. And yet, my favorite image so far was an accidental #doubleexposure of a raspberry bush and this gorgeous home. Everything about this camera and analog photography, down to using an external light meter, has been a massive learning curve, but fun. I love a challenge. #kodakportra160 #film #120film