Twoesday Pairings: Kids + Disney
Do you remember your first trip to Disneyland? How about thefirst Disney movie you watched? Did you wish you could be with Pinocchio on Pleasure Island or dig into a honey pot with Pooh Bear?
I’m not exactly a mouseketeer, but even as a grown man, I can’t ignore the fact that the pixie dust they sprinkled on me as a child has stuck.
The one thing I love more than the nostalgia is to live it all fresh through my best friends’ two children. We bring them to Disneyland a couple times a year. They already know most of the movies, and each have their favorite characters … along with costumes, toys, books, DVDs …
On this edition of Twoesday Pairings, I’m bringing you along with us on a recent trip to California Adventure to catch the magic of kids experiencing Disney.

Chase goes crazy for Lightning McQueen. We thought he'd flip to get to walk up and touch a life-sized version, but he was more confused and mistrusting of the fact that Lightning no longer was a 3-inch-long toy that fits in his hand.

You've got to love the everlasting look of awe on the kids' faces when we go to Disneyland.

Every so often, you should drop down to their eye level to see the world like they do.

Think you're too old for the kiddy rides? Catching the anxious extasy in a child's face is more thrilling than any corkscrew or 10-story drop.

How's this for a Star Wars princess?

View of the California Adventure midway.

Best pairing of all: (Kids + Disney) + Me getting to be a part of their day. Love you, Jae and Chase.