Ellie’s First Water Polo Game
My cousin’s kids are all water bugs. Her youngest, Ellie, is barely 10 years old, and is already playing water polo. If you’re not familiar with this sport, imagine playing basketball in the deep end of a pool. You get penalized for touching the bottom, so you’re swimming at full speed non-stop. All sorts of shenanigans and roughhousing go on under the surface where it’s hard for the ref to catch it, so scratches and bruises are part of the uniform. It’s soggy football without the pads.
And my little Ellie rocked it! She even scored a goal.
I drove down to San Juan Capistrano to shoot her very first game. It was actually a triple header … co-ed, no less! Nothing like throwing these kids into the deep end.

Ellie, taking it on the offensive.

Check out my girl putting an elbow to that kid's jaw.

That girl can get crazy vertical when she's blocking a shot.

This was her shot for goal -- pure net. Yeah, girl. You did that.